Tuesday, December 4, 2007


On a previous post (one below this one, as a matter of fact), Taco noted that he has a strange addiction to seeing what people's workspaces look like. I have to admin to a similar malady. I love seeing people's stuff. I used to get yelled at by persons I was walking with when passing through the dorms because of my habit of looking into other people's rooms to see what they had laying around and how they were laid-out. I guess there's a little voyeur in all of us. I don't know, it seems to me you can find out a lot about someone by looking at what they have laying around -- usually a lot more than what you'd find out speaking with them.

With that lengthy preface, I give you, links!
Face your pockets
What's in your bag?

Things like the above make me wish I were more interesting and carried more interesting stuff.. Someday I'll have to post a pic of the stuff I carry around more than half of the time..


suyapi said...

Did you notice on the first link that her occupation is listed as "Shanghai"? Now that's a job I want!

Grimmstail said...

I don't even like to contemplate the amount of waxing that job would entail for me.

aivpgp FTW!